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~ DFW Networking Diva

Strategist, Marketing Coach & Agency
for Mission-Driven ForProfit & NonProfit  Organizations

Pro Bono Strategy Call

As a way of saying thank you for being on the podcast, we’d like to offer a no-cost strategy session to help propel you towards success.

We can talk about anything related to entrepreneurship, business, marketing, or networking. Make a list of questions and we’ll jam-pack as much advice as we can into our session. We want to help you make your dreams come true.

I wake up excited every day because I know I’m going to have the opportunity to bless an entrepreneur, small business owner, or nonprofit with advice. 

And I promise that my enthusiasm is contagious! I’m on a mission to make people smile. How may I serve you?

Looking forward to our meeting!

~ Christine Deane, DFW Networking Diva

Marketing strategist DFW Networking Diva